Monday, September 12, 2022

Isafjordur, Iceland

Our day is going to be all about fjords and flowers. We sailed deep into a 'Icefjord' before docking.
Our tour is in the afternoon so we had a walk-about in the morning on our own.
This one has seen better days. But frugaliity requires that as much as possible will be salvaged.
Thank heaven for road signs so we knew right where to go!
We stopped into the oldest store which also had cabinets of museum items. The owner had prepared a delicious snack for us all! We walked over to the little church with the traditional red roof. A young girl, 13, played and sang for us. She was very sweet. She could not understand the questions in English. Her aunt translated. But she could answer in English.
We traveled through and around 4 separate fjords. Disabuse yourself that all fjords are the same and look alike. They do not. All are fingers of water that lead to the ocean. They may be wide or narrow and in Iceland they are green and rocky shores.
Although we have seen many green fields and roaming sheep, lots of water, we now come to a botanical garden in the 'middle of nowhere'!
If you have read the blog you heard the story of the lady that was overdressed for the weather. She wanted to take off the second layer of her clothes, instead of just her jacket, and ended up removing all her clothes, except for underwear, while remaining in her bus seat! No point in using the bathroom on board. This is now her, looking still over-dressed, coming through the whale jawbone archway.
A plaque to honor the founders of the Botanical Garden, the Skrúður family. A beautiful day. A little nerve wracking driving through, at one point, a more than five mile long tunnel that part way through turns into allowing only one way traffic! But it made the tour possible. Back on board we celebrated Deb's birthday. Very delicious cake!

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