Thursday, February 15, 2018

The ship is still rocking!

Our second sea day does not bode well for this trip!  High seas and traveling across the currents rather than with them makes for some entertaining walking!  The only solution may be to drink more and even out our stagger!

This morning we enjoyed room service and our balcony view before going to the Spa for the Hypnotherapy pool.  I spent a few, very few minutes in the Snow Room.  My feet got too cold because I didn't wear my shoes into it. Elva was almost killed in the Hot Tub as she was relaxing.  Luckily she had just leaned her head back when a man backed up and forgot there was a lip around the edge of the pools.  He tumbled backwards, over her head and landed butt down in the water!  He hit his head and arm but seemed to recovered quickly.  He had been backing away from someone who passed in front of him as he walked to his lounger.  I was heading to join Elva but was very glad I had not yet gotten there as he would have landed on me!  If Elva hadn't had her head back he would have pushed her head under and possibly even knocked her out!  We left!

The rest of the day went much better.  A light lunch, another chance to be told by the Officers that trivia is only a game.  A good reminder for us as we are not doing well.  When we play as a family on other cruises we do quite well as evidenced by our ships on a stick!  But then again, no teams are being extra successful this trip so far.

Enjoying the several lectures on topics as varied as pirates and whales and life at sea.

More cocktails, more laughter, more good food and more entertainment. I forgot to tell you that yesterday we had an evening with the best magician I have seen in a very long time.  His name is Simon Coronel.  Slight of hand and audience participation and terrific patter. He is quite charming and funny and very excellent at fooling the eye.  Tonight was the Captain's Toast.  We have a very entertaining crew as well.  Each made a little introduction of themselves.  Cruisers will be surprised that the only lady was not the head of Housekeeping but the Guest Services Manager. This introduction was within the evening show of band music and a tastes of all the shows to follow.  Each sounds like worth attending.

Dinner we were our usual six but there wasn't a table ready so I added we didn't mind sharing and the ten-top became an eight-top and a fun couple from Beloit joined us.  I had the first assistant waiter bring us three cheese plates to share while we waited for our meal to be served and everyone seemed surprised and pleased with that.  Of course more wine and with new people to share dinner with a very lively evening was enjoyed by all.

Our third day of this journey was an even rougher sea day.  No one seems to be ill but we all laugh as we try to pass each other in the hallways.  They are very narrow as it is and two senior American ladies jolting past each other takes some quick thinking!  Judy and I made our way to the Spa pools.  I had enjoyed our tour of the Fitness Center and the instructions of how to use the machines but I haven't tried it yet.  Judy does so next sea day we will do that together.  Today she and I were the only ones using the pools which sloshed on their own and then adding the mechanical waves kept it interesting.

After breakfast I wandered.  The gift shop has beautiful sweaters that are outrageously priced as are the rain jackets.  Trivia was another 50% score.  We skipped tea time and went to the Port Talk.  On viking as it is on Holland America, this is not a synopsis of what to buy where.  It was some history, good descriptions of what we would see and also a detailed explanation of each shore excursions although not trying to sell them.  They are sold out!

The rest of the gang wen to the 6:45 show, a revisit of the magician with an all new act.  I came back to write to you.  Then had dinner in the buffet so that it would not be as heavy nor as long.  after adding a little more here I went to the later show.  We have been in bed each night by 10 or 10:30.  I read for awhile a very good book that I should sit by the pool and just finish.  It is The Wife Between Us.

I love the relaxation of sea days!

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