Thursday, February 15, 2018

First Sea Day

I have traveled a bit and know that the seas can be rough.  I didn't expect it in the Caribbean at all.  Last night I barely slept.  The large dinner, several glasses of wine and a few cocktails during the day and evening did not help at all. And the ship rocked!  Perhaps because it is smaller than I am accustomed to,at only about 900 passengers but it is a new ship and state of the art but in beauty but in function.

Elva and I rose early and made our way to the buffet for breakfast.  We had a few things we for sure wanted to do like join a trivia team for the  progressive challenge  and we had already recruited Judy and Manny with whom we talked for about an hour while consuming what seemed an unending variety of breakfast treats.

The first thing we did was to go to Shore Excursions and finagle a secure spot for Elva on the already filled Included Tour of St. Kitt's.  When choosing our excursions before leaving home I had signed up and gotten the last spot.  But I knew that Viking would work it out if we asked nicely and early  on. And they did.  We also found space available for the Segway tour of the town of St. John's in Antiqua.  It had been sold out.

Before meeting the others for the noon trivia we spent quite some time just exploring the ship and trying to create mental landmarks for ourselves to get to where we wanted to be.  As I said it does not in any way mimic any ship I have been on before.  It is kind of intriguing to go down a corridor and discover something totally new.  Sometimes it is a shop, or a venue, or a pool, or the poolside grill, or a quiet lounge or even the small museum of Nordic culture!  There is no lack of comfortable lounge chairs for reading in the shade or catching the sun's rays. Couches with coffee tables and two or three chairs forming a conversational group. The soothing colors of cream, grey, and blue are everywhere.  Stewards roam the  outdoor seating areas passing out iced cloths to cool off with and cold drinks.  There is one employee for every two guest and you can see and feel the difference!

Another thing we have found most pleasant and useful are the series of lectures by specialists in their respective fields. The first presentation, Explorers and the Age of Discovery, was in the Star Theater.  It was quite well done in both the Power Point presentation, selection of photos and maps.  The speaker himself, Dr.Robb Robinson, had a lovely accent and did not once say 'ummm.'  We will attend many of his talks.  If for some reason we miss one we can catch it later on our flat screen TV.

A little before noon we made our way to the Explorer's Lounge on Deck 7 Forward.  While having a beautiful, ship wide view of the ocean we split a Shrimp sandwich which was just cold shrimp piled high on buttered toast.  And I had a blueberry tart and also a raspberry one on tiny shells filled with whipped cream.  Trivia starts after the Captain's Noon Announcement.  Then is the Cruise Director's update. But what cracked us up is that then, the officers from the bridge chime in with a message for the sometimes loud and raucous Triviatists - It's only a game!

Ian the Assistant Cruise Director is the person who does the questions and of course there is no 'discussing' his answers.  Not doing well this trip.  Our team only got nine of fifteen correct the first day.  Of course questions that begin with  'according to an unofficial census in 2016...' can't expect to be easily answered!

At four o'clock Elva and I met Mary in the WinterGarden for High Tea. (I will have to take another photo next time as this one is being persnickety!)  I became better acquainted with Mary as we chatted in style!  BTW - the scones were traditional and delicious, served with clotted cream cream and strawberry jam.

After an hour we went to change for dinner and made our way to the Atrium for Munch Moments.  Elva bought us each a Vodka Collins and we sipped while Olga played classical music beautifully.  Viking has the rights to the Munch paintings and tonight was screening self portraits.  The man apparently loved himself as he painted many!  So beautiful on the large screen.  A lovely pre-dinner cocktail hour.

We met with Allen, Mary, Phil and Rosemary and went in to dinner together.  The beef Wellington was delicious as was the Plum Tart.  The wine flowed and the conversation sparkled! 

Back in the cabin the shipped continued to rock and sleep was not easily found.

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