The day was going to be warm on Saturday, April 14th. I woke early because exhaustion from a weird and stress filled week had me asleep by 10 on Friday night. So six a.m. found me repotting the seeds that had sprouted but not bee moved on from their starter tray. Crazy, huh!
Wonton Noodle knew the day of separation had come. He followed me in lockstep around the house and garage. Watched every move. I held him for a while and got a temporary fix of his softness and love but then it was time to go. So we loaded up the car and were at Christine’s at 9:30 for the drive to the airport. Two lanes closed on 285 is not unusual but the amount of traffic for a Saturday morning seemed to be enough to bog down the drive.
After a quick hug and goodbye I entered the Delta Terminal and Elva quickly spotted me from her seat and called and waved. She too had just gotten there. Usually she takes the Atlanta Rapid Transit to but had also gotten a ride with her daughter and has also run into the same traffic with two lanes closed on the east side of town.
We checked out bag and quickly got through security with our TSAPreChek, boarded the PlaneTrain and made our way to the gate. I was glad we were on the noon flight because the earlier flight to Ft. Lauderdale was still delayed but our boarding and flight were effortlessly accomplished and we even arrived early. Then ooops!
We waited over an hour for the hotel shuttle which was then overcrowded so that one little girl gave me her seat and rode on her daddy’s lap. Surely not safe and wise but at least we were finally moving. And we were way ahead of people we met at the shuttle line whose friends were calling to say they were going to miss the trip because snow and storms had them stuck in Minneapolis, or Boston Hopefully they did indeed get a later or morning flight and escape the harsh late winter climate.
At the hotel, Day’s Inn North Airport Cruiseport everything was fine and in good shape. Elva and I hiked across the highway because I felt is was too hot to sit out by the pool and we could do that later. We stopped at McDonald’s and I got my Diet Coke and Elva got an Orange Float. We then went across the parking lot to Walmart where we got wine to take aboard and I bought a Diet Coke to have with the popcorn I planned for the evening in the room.
While walking back to the hotel we noticed a lot of apparently homeless people. Strangely they all seemed nice and friendly and did not ask us for anything although they were obviously asking passing motorists for aid. One man, appearing to be old, but maybe that was the beard and general unkemptness of his clothing, chatted a moment to tell us how to safely cross the exit ramp and blessed us. Never showed us his sign or held out his hand. So sad that his breath informed us that alcohol was his demon.
We put our stuff in our room and met a nice couple from New Orleans by the pool. She was exercising in the water and he had a pizza delivered. We were all talking for about a half hour when the caretaker came to close the pool for the evening. Going up to the room the hotel manager was in the elevator with us and I commented that they must not have lights so can’t keep it open after dark. He said they did but didn’t have the permit to do so. We knew he was the boss because after check in I spoke to him and asked him to waive the morning fee for the transfer to the port. Airport transfers are included but not the cruise port. He said no it was not their van it was a separate company. I then asked if he could float that fee for us because of the long delay and that we had stayed with them many times before when the service had been good. He said he would. So when we saw him again in the elevator he began to know who we were, I think.
While I was washing up I noticed that there was only coffee in our room. Unfortunately, very unfortunately this is a pet peeve of mine. Seriously, for coffee packets and not one tea bag! I usually carry some with me even at home in my purse but did not because, after all, we were to be on a cruise ship to the Mother Country of England. No tea deprivation there, for sure! So on my way down to the second floor for ice I thought…I will go to the lobby and see if someone can go to the breakfast area and get me a couple of tea bags.
OOOPPPSS! As I was entering the lobby’s weather shield lobby ( you know the small part before the main doors, in a nicer place might be a vestibule or foyer ) I was safely inside except for my left foot. The toe of my shoe caught on the uneven tile at the door and I tripped. Sudden, fast, and hard! The ice bucket flew as I extended my right arm to break my fall. But not before the side of my face slammed into the tile floor and my glasses flew across the space. Instinctively I had turned my head and therefore did not land nose first. My one loud yelp was quickly replaced by moaning and groaning.. My hand took the brunt of the fall and I thought for sure it was broken.
People came from the lobby to stand in the doorway asking the first obvious question, was I all right. I said no. I needed ice for my hand and my head. The desk clerk came and wanted to help me stand but I told her no repeatedly. Because I had turned my head I had also twisted my back. I stayed motionless and asked for ice and an ambulance. Someone went for ice, and when the clerk asked again about helping me up I heard a lady with a Scandinavian accent say NO. That is the worse thing you could do. By then her husband was holding ice to my head and wiping the dripping blood from my face. I asked where they were from and he said Sweden. I thanked them.
A voice said is she with anyone and then the clerk asked my room and I told her. I said but you don’t need to worry her I think she is going to bed but luckily I was over ruled and the Clerk got Elva, who was indeed in the bathroom and changing. Elva quickly dressed and arrived just after the very nice Mark and John from the ambulance service arrived. Mark was at my head and as they got the vitals and verified I had not lost consciousness he said they would help me up. As they went to turn me on my back I yelped and said I was fine it was just awkward but out came the backboard and neck wedges. Into the ambulance I went with Elva following. I was so glad she was there. She took my wallet, my phone, and my glasses and was a Godsend during what followed…..
To Be Continued…
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