Monday, January 3, 2022

+ or - ?


 Yea! Carol COVID tested negative after a day long wait in line and I got my negative results about an hour after my 15 minute wait in my car at Walgreens!  I was lucky (or smart) enough to choose a time right at the end of their lunch break and then went a little early.  Carol didn't have the option to get an appointment where she lives.

Our vacation of a lifetime is full steam least until the next test before boarding the luxurious Viking ORION!  Then they will be stuck with us for at least 9 days as we won't reach our first port which is in the Marquesas until then!

And so to quote Sweeney Todd, "Hello old friend!" 

I took a leap of faith and packed over the weekend so I am ready to roll (aboard)!  Carol and I will meet, probably at LAX as our arrival times are pretty close together. So barring flight cancellations due to short staffing (tired of hearing that excuse everywhere I go) or icy runways we will be on our way in less than 48 hours!


  1. So excited for you! Safe travels and looking forward to following your adventures.
